Project Value
- Principal contractor (PCUB)
- Development of Environmental Management Plan
- Development of Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
- Development of Workplace Health and Safety Management Plan
- Development of Traffic Management Plan, including Traffic Guidance Schemes and appropriate traffic permits
- Development of ITPS
- Dilapidation Report
- Development of Tree Management Plan, including identification of Tree Protection Measures
- Traffic Control requirements including application of relevant permits and payment of permit fees
- Independent arborist services
- Fauna Spotter/Catcher services
- Application for required permits, including public utilities and all associated fees
- Implementation of above plans and compliance to all permit conditions
- Protection of existing trees
- Site establishment and facilities
- Survey and set out
- Testing and commissioning
- All close-out documentation, including as-constructed drawings, certification of structures, operation and maintenance manual and warranties
- Attendance at meetings
- Handover and Training of irrigation system
- Independent Horticulturist to inspect, approve and certify all plant stock
- Demolition of removal of existing hard and soft landscaping
- Installation of concrete edging and metal edging
- Repairing rendered concrete walls
- Refurbishment of light poles
- Installation of timber bollards
- Irrigation
- Installation of plants and turf
- 12 months of landscape maintenance

Our goal was to turn this tired streetscape into one of the city’s most beautiful public spaces.